It was an extremely weak session for the markets as they ended in deep red tracking its global peers. The BSE Sensex tumbled 642.70 points or 4.28% at 14358.21, and the Nifty was down 191.60 points or 4.38% at 4178.60.
It was the second biggest single-day point falls for Sensex. The biggest single-day point fall was on May 18, 2006.
Here is a performance analysis of the top BSE 500 stocks on this blood bath day. Despite the market crash today, some of the stocks like Emco, Bank of Rajasthan, Assam Company and Bongaigaon Refineries were the star performers, that defied the market fall.
Emco closed at Rs 1,020.00, up Rs 73.60, or 7.78%. Bank of Rajasthan ended at Rs 99.75, up Rs 4.71, or 4.96%. The former gained over 86% and later has gained over 261% in the last one year.
Assam Company shut at Rs 23.85, up Rs 1.10, or 4.84%. There were pending buy orders of 193,965 shares, with no sellers available.
Bongaigaon Refineries closed at Rs 57.50, up Rs 2.30, or 4.17%. It is trading with volumes of 3,777,660 shares, compared to its 5-day average of 276,657 shares, an increase of 1,265.47%.
However, the stocks that slipped maximum during today's market fall are IVRCL Infras, Tata Steel, Union Bank, India Infoline etc.